Exec Board and Trustee Special Meeting
Keating Ogara office 200 South 21st Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, NE07.24.2024 Special Executive Board Meeting Agenda
Monthly Executive Board and Institutional Trustee Board Meeting
Keating Ogara office 200 South 21st Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, NESend meeting agenda items to Secretary DeMary
Monthly Executive Board and Trustee Meeting
Keating Ogara office 200 South 21st Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, NEAug 12 2024 Executive Board and Trustee Meeting Agenda (1) (1) (1)
NE Legislative Updates
ZoomUpdate: Here is the link for January 20th: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 3360 5745 Passcode: 543521 --- One tap mobile +16694449171,,82533605745#,,,,*543521# US +16699009128,,82533605745#,,,,*543521# US (San Jose) Please see the important message from President Conner. ******************** Dear Members, The Nebraska Legislature is back in session! In collaboration with our outstanding lobbyist, Sean Kelley, we have arranged weekly