Vice President General Election
FOP 88 Members: The primary election for Vice President and the general election for Treasurer have now closed. VICE-PRESIDENT There were 253 votes. The results of the primary are as follows: Michael Clowes 103 Charles Godfrey 49 Josh Osienger 38 Phillip Dawes 21 Michael Ray 19 Johnie Cantrell 13 Michael Reich 10 Congratulations to the two
November Exec Board & Trustee Monthly Meeting
Keating Ogara office 200 South 21st Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, NE* Executive Board and Trustee Monthly Meeting * Date: November 18th, 2024 @ Keating | O’Gara Time: 6:00 p.m. AGENDA Call to Order Roll Call of Officers and Institutional Trustees Reading of Rough Minutes of Previous Meeting Treasurer’s Report Correspondence Report of Officers Report of Memberships Report of Committees Unfinished Business New Business Swear in Treasurer Candace Hanes Discuss Fundraiser
Grievance/Appeals Training
Keating Ogara office 200 South 21st Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, NEThis is intended to train Trustees and Stewards in handling SOC appeals and grievances/complaints. Contact for more information
December Exec Board & Trustee Meeting
Keating Ogara office 200 South 21st Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, NEAgenda to come
January Exec Board & Trustee Monthly Meeting
Keating Ogara office 200 South 21st Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, NE01.13.2025 Agenda January Monthly Meeting
2025 FOP88 President, Treasurer and Institutional Trustees Election Please send your intent to run for President OR Treasurer OR Institutional Trustee to Secretary DeMary The DEADLINE to enter the run is February 9th, 2025. Fraternally, FOP88
Hockey Night w/ Lincoln Stars vs Muskegon Lumberjacks
Ice Box 1880 Transformation Drive, Lincoln, NE, United StatesFOP88 Hockey Night with the Lincoln Stars. Email for ticket orders NO LATER THAN January 10th.
NE Legislative Updates
ZoomUpdate: Here is the link for January 20th: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 3360 5745 Passcode: 543521 --- One tap mobile +16694449171,,82533605745#,,,,*543521# US +16699009128,,82533605745#,,,,*543521# US (San Jose) Please see the important message from President Conner. ******************** Dear Members, The Nebraska Legislature is back in session! In collaboration with our outstanding lobbyist, Sean Kelley, we have arranged weekly
virtualPLACE YOUR BIDS @ Winner will purchase the raffle item via VENMO - place FOPNE88 Fundraiser in the comment